Paper Submission to Poster session by authors of NON-JAPANESE Organization
If you are the author of JAPANESE organization for the Poster session, please see this page.
If you are the author of Non-Japanese organization for the Poster session, please follow the following instructions for registration of paper submission and camera-ready paper submission.
Each participant from a Non-Japanese organization will be requested to pay an individual participation fee of 250 EUR to attend and present at the workshop. This amount of fee will be totally exempted if the participant applies to become an associate member of IEICE (free of charge).
Please click to the following link to register as an associate member of IEICE, if you wish to attend the workshop at full discount (0 EUR).
All regular papers will be presented in Poster session.
Paper submission process consists of two steps:
[STEP-1] Registration of paper submission
- Registration of paper submission deadline: Sept. 17th, 2024.(Extended)
- For registration of paper submission, please click here*1
Please select Smart Radio (SR) for Technical committee on above link destination page.
[STEP-2] Camera-ready paper submission
- Paper submission deadline: Oct. 10th, 2024.
Camera-ready paper
Full paper (within 8 pages) or abstract plus poster (total 2 pages)*2.
We have a manuscript template for MS word style format. If you need it, please click the following links; MS word style
If you choose abstract plus poster, please include your paper title, the authors name, affiliations, contact information of all authors, abstract, and keywords. The page size shall be A4.
Prefix should be added to your paper title in accordance with the following rule; Poster Presentation => [Poster Presentation]
Manuscripts shall be written in English.
*1:If you cannot register your paper via the webpage, please send e-mail to SmartCom 2024 committee members (
*2:When you choose "abstract plus poster (total 2 pages)", please refer to the following.
An example for Abstract page
- Paper page size is A4. Blank spaces are set by reference to figure below.
- if a title is "A study on Cognitive Radio Networks" and you are author of poster session.
- Please refer to the character sizes shown in the figure below.
- Finally, please put poster (A4 size) on the second page.