Welcome to SmartCom2016

2016 International Workshop on Smart Wireless Communications
May, 16-17, 2016
Hotel Lasaretti, Oulu, Finland
SmartCom 2016 will be held in Oulu, Finland, on May 16-17, 2016. This workshop
will be organized and co-sponsored by IEICE (Institute of Electronics,
Information and Communication Engineers) technical committees on Smart
Radio (SR), Radio Communication Systems (RCS), Reliable Communication and
Control (RCC), Short Range Wireless Communications (SRW), Healthcare and
Medical Information Communication Technology (MICT), and Centre for
Wireless Communications (CWC) at the Univ. of Oulu.
News and Announcements
*Details of Welcome reception and banquet are avaialble in "Venue."
*The IEICE Transactions on Communications announces that it will publish a special section entitled "Special Section on Smart Radio and Its Applications in Conjunction with Main Topics of SmartCom" in the July 2017 issue.
Submission Deadline: August 2, 2016.
The detail of it is as follows.
URL : http://www.ieice.org/eng/s_issue/cfp/2017_7EB.pdf