• Main Venue
Hotel Lasaretti, Oulu, Finland
URL : http://www.lasaretti.com/en/
Address : Hotel Lasaretti Kasarmintie 13 FIN-90130 Oulu Finland
[ HOTEL Information ]
Hotel Lasaretti, Oulu, Finland
In case if you wil book the Hotel Lasaretti, please follow the procedure below.
However, participants can book in any other Hotels in Oulu, Finland.
Accommodation bookings can be made directly to the Hotel Lasaretti at lasaretti@lasaretti.com.
Special accommodation prices available for SmartCom 2016 participants with code "SmartCom" :
single room 110 €/night, double room 130 €/night, superior room (single or double occupancy) 150 € /night.
Room block will be valid until 1 April, 2016.
• Welcome Reception and Banquet
[Welcome reception]
Place:Oulu city hall
address: Kirkkokatu 2a, Oulu, Finland
Time:19:30 - 21:00 / 16 May, 2016
Place: Hotel Lasaretti (same as conference venue)
Address: Kasarmintie 13, Oulu
Time: 19:30 - 21:30 / 17 May, 2016