Opening Talks
Hyper spectrum efficiency enhancement for future wireless networksSpeaker: Prof. Masahiro Umehira, Ibaraki University, Japan
Bio.: Masahiro Umehira received the B.E., M.E. and Ph.D. degrees from Kyoto University in Japan in 1978, 1980 and 2000, respectively. He joined NTT (Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation) in 1980, where he was engaged in the research and development of modem and TDMA equipment for satellite communications, TDMA satellite communication systems, broadband wireless access systems for mobile multimedia services and ubiquitous wireless systems. From 1987 to 1988, he was with the Communications Research Center, Department of Communications, Canada, as a visiting scientist. Since 2006, he has been a Professor of Ibaraki University, Hitachi-shi, and has been in the position of Deputy Dean of College of Engineering in Ibaraki University since 2012. His research interest includes broadband wireless access technologies, wireless networking and cognitive radio technologies for future mobile wireless systems, satellite communication systems and ubiquitous wireless services. He received Young Engineer award and Achievement award from IEICE in 1987 and 1999, respectively. He also received Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Minister Award in 2001 and so on. He is currently serving as President of IEICE Communications Society, Japan. He is a member of IEEE and a Fellow of IEICE, Japan.
Abstract:This opening talk describes expected roles of wireless networks in our future society where everything will be connected to information networks anywhere and anytime. It also describes the challenges to realize future wireless networks, and points out that very smart radio technologies are keys for hyper spectrum efficiency enhancement to utilize any available frequency spectrum for future wireless networks.
Core Challenges in 5G and IoT
Speaker: Prof. Markku Juntti, University of Oulu, Finland
Bio.: Markku Juntti received his M.Sc. (EE) and Dr.Sc. (EE) degrees from University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland in 1993 and 1997, respectively. He was with University of Oulu in 1992-98. In academic year 1994-95 he was a Visiting Scholar at Rice University, Houston, Texas. In 1999-2000 he was a Senior Specialist with Nokia Networks. Dr. Juntti has been a a professor of communications engineering at University of Oulu, Department of Communication Engineering (DCE) and Centre for Wireless Communications (CWC) since 2000. His research interests include signal processing for wireless networks as well as communication and information theory. He is an Editor of IEEE Transactions on Communications.
Abstract:Driven by global digitalization and the emerging internet of things (IoT) or everything (IoE), the number of connected devices is increasing at an exponential rate from the current ca. 10 billion to an estimated 20-fold within the next five years. The commercially provided wireless data rates have roughly doubled every 18 months during the last two decades. The current circuit, communications and network tech¬nolo¬gies fall far behind to provide the required capacity (spectral efficiency), reliability, low latency, sustainability in power consumption (power/energy efficiency), or cost-efficient realization of transceivers (TX-RXs) and net¬works for wide scale deployment. Therefore, new and innovative solutions are needed.
Keynote Speech
Challenges for 5G Era, --From Adaptive Processing in wireless transmission and access to Extreme Flexibility by heterogeneous networks--Speaker: :Prof. Seiichi Sampei, Osaka University, Japan
Bio.: Seiichi Sampei received the B.E., M.E. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, in 1980, 1982 and 1991, respectively. From 1982 to 1993, he was with the Communications Research Laboratory, Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications. During 1991 to 1992, he was at the University of California, Davis, as a visiting researcher. In 1993, he joined the Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University, and he is currently a Professor in the department of Information and Communications Technology, Osaka University. He has developed adaptive modulation, adaptive equalizer, intelligent radio transmission/access, dynamic spectrum access, and wireless distributed network techniques. He received the Shinohara Young Engineering Award, the Achievements Award, Communications Society Best Paper Award, and Best Paper Award from the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE), the Telecom System Technology Award from the Telecommunication Advancement Foundation, the DoCoMo Mobile Science Award from Mobile Communication Fund, the Ericsson Telecommunications Award, and Shida-Rinzaburo Award from Council for Info-Communication Promotion Month. Since 2014, he is a Chairman of Technical Committee in 5th Generation Mobile Communication Promotion Forum (5GMF), and since 2015, he is a member of Information and Communications Council in Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. He is a Fellow of IEEE and IEICE.
Abstract: Until 4th Generation cellular systems, wireless access was a bottle neck in ICT networks. That is why adaptive signal processing in any place of wireless access system has been developed to compensate for them. As a result, wireless access is no longer a bottle neck, rather very flexible functionality in ICT networks. 5th generation cellular system is not simply a next stage for 4G systems, but it would be completely a different system. In my presentation, I will talk about that, especially three challenges for that. The first one is its 5G is changing from a simple information transfer system to wireless connection systems for everything including massive connection and mission critical Internet of Things (IoTs).The second one is, although parameter sets for 4G are determined by the feeling of human being, that for 5G would be determined by the requirements for machine control, which is quite severer than that for 4G. For example, end-to-end latency of less than 1ms is required because of it. The third one is the support of extreme flexibility which is based on extreme spatial distribution of traffic, latency and some other requirements. Until 4th generation systems, conditions of traffic, latency and so on is restricted by admission control and dynamic support of assigned user rate so that user satisfaction is restricted by 4G systems. In the case of 5G, on the other hand, while satisfying user requirements as much as possible, 5G connection is done using extremely flexible functionality, which is not only the dynamic transmission/access control but also heterogeneous networking including dynamic control of access point power supply with new radio access technology (RAT).
Destination 5G - Explosion of possibilities in the programmable world present huge opportunities
Speaker: Dr. Seppo Yrjola, Nokia, Finland
Bio.: A passionate innovator with a background in research, strategy and business, Seppo Yrjola is Sr. Principal Innovator at the Nokia. Seppo's been with Nokia for 28 years. He incubates and steers innovation externally with customers, partners and governments with the purpose of driving growth by innovating holistically from technology to business models. His current research is focused in the area of future radios with cognitive radio business opportunities and potential disruptions as an important aspect to scout. He holds a master’s degree in electrical engineering from the University of Oulu and has done his postgraduate studies in the area of telecommunication and radio technology. He has authored more than 40 peer-reviewed publications, and holds several patents in the radio domain.
Abstract: We may all someday have an individual IP address that may be more important than our Social Security number. The world will be totally connected, from the home, to wearable’s, to a movie in a minute! This seems far off but is it? Technology evolution continues to expand the human possibilities of the programmable world. Today, we have less than 5 Billion connected people around the globe. These people use services such as mobile internet, voice connectivity, video, music etc. This scenario is set to undergo tremendous change with 50 Billion interconnected ‘things’ by 2025. Our research predicts that that only half of those will be ‘phones, laptops, tablets and other traditional access devices. The other half will be devices and sensors in a huge number of areas including health monitoring, field operations devices, power generation and smart meters, automotive, recreation and so on. Billions of things and people will be connected, software will be the glue and cloud based analytics will provide meaning. We believe that this a great chance to master many of our great challenges today, e.g., environment, the aging society, and efficiency of production. The transition to the programmable world brings with itself big opportunities that the industry can tap into. In the 5G era, operators are able to monetize three assets. Firstly, the new performance level of their networks enables XXL broadband services such HD and UHD services in the home and on the move, but also virtual reality services that are relevant for the business world. These “Connectivity +” business models provide new opportunities by guaranteed high service levels not only with end users but with content and other service providers as well. Secondly, the millions of transactional and control data produced by the network can be leveraged to enable entirely new services that benefit from contextual real-time and non-real-time data. Operators can broker this information to different industries: providers of augmented reality services, traffic steering systems (e.g. provided by municipalities), factories and logistical systems and utilities. Real-time big data analytics will play a crucial role for the brokering model. Finally, dedicated virtual sub-networks, so called network slices can be marketed as “Network as Service” which can have different flavors and provide exactly the functionality that is needed for different industries and their diverse use cases. For example, the functionality and capabilities needed for connecting massive numbers of consumer health sensors are completely different from those required for high quality UHD video delivery to TV sets.
Special Session
Dynamic Spectrum Sharing and Cognitive Radio TechnologyOrganizers: Shigenobu Sasaki, Niigata Univ., Japan and Tuomo Hanninen, Univ. of Oulu, Finland
Scope: Spectrum continues to be the key enabler in the development of future 5G networks. The interplay between business, regulation and technology is greatly shaping the spectrum management landscape where the recent technological developments are opening the door for more dynamic sharing of resources. With the on-going attempts to find new spectrum for 5G systems at higher frequencies, there is a continuous trend in regulation to make spectrum available on a shared basis. New sharing models and techniques will play a key role here. In this session, latest achievements and challenges in dynamic spectrum sharing and cognitive radio technology are presented and discussed.
Chair: Prof. Shigenobu Sasaki, Niigata Univ., Japan
- Dr. Marcello Pagnozzi, ETSI
- Mr. Seppo Yrjola, Nokia, Finland
- Dr. Marja Matinmikko, University of Oulu, Finland
- Prof. Kenta Umebayashi, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan
R&D Activities for 5G Mobile Communications in Europe and Japan
Organizers: Makoto Taromaru, Fukuoka Univ., Japan and Ari Pouttu, Univ. of Oulu, Finland
Scope: Recently, research and development related to the 5th generation (5G) mobile communications has received attention from all over the world. Europe and Japan played important roles in 3rd generation (3G) and 4th generation (4G) mobile communication system and are one of regions where 5G technologies are being researched and developed actively. Toward the realization in 2020, proof of concept using test bed is also being started. In this session, 5G R&D activities in Europe and Japan and 5G key technologies are introduced, and efforts for 5G mobile communication systems will be discussed.
Chair: Prof. Makoto Taromaru, Fukuoka Univ., Japan
- Prof. Makoto Taromaru, Fukuoka Univ., Japan
- Dr. Jari Hulkkonen, Nokia, Finland
- Prof. Aarno Parssinen, Univ. of Oulu, Finland
- Prof. Yukitoshi Sanada, Keio Univ., Japan
- Prof. Matti Latva-aho, Univ. of Oulu, Finland
On Medical ICT Trends
Organizers: Kazunori Hayashi, Kyoto Univ., Japan and Jari Iinati, Univ. of Oulu, Finland
Scope: Recently, research and development for medical ICT has received attention from all over the world. Also standarization for wireless body area networks (WBANs) has gained a lot of effort, e.g., via IEEE802.15.6 work. Currently, in Europe ETSI SmartBAN development is under activity. In this session, WBAN activities in Europe and Japan are introduced, and efforts for future medical ICT systems will be discussed.
Chair: Prof. Jari Iinatti, University of Oulu, Finland
- Prof. Hirokazu Tanaka, Hiroshima City Univ., Japan
- Prof. Daisuke Anzai, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan
- Dr. John Farserotu, CSEM, Switzerland
- Prof. Lorenzo Mucchi, Univ. of Florence, Italy
IoT Technology Trends
Organizers: Hiroshi Harada, Kyoto Univ., Japan
Scope: Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the key technologies for the next generation societies with smart energy and resource usage, smart agriculture and factory, smart traffic systems and so on. Under such circumstances, technology exchange and discussion on IoT between Japan and Europe will become more and more important. In this IoT special session, the researchers and developers from Japan and Europe will talk about the trend of IoT technologies.
Chair: Prof. Keiichi Mizutani, Kyoto Univ., Japan
- Prof. Keiichi Mizutani, Kyoto University, Japan
- Dr. Steve Clarke, AMIHO, UK
- Dr. Ovidiu Rati, CDS, Romania
- Dr. Hiroshi Kume, ROHM, Germany
Millimeter-Wave for 5G and Beyond
Organizers: Kei Sakaguchi, Fraunhofer HHI, Germany and Suguru Kameda, Tohoku Univ., Japan
Scope: Millimeter-wave above 24 GHz is promising spectrum for 5G based on the discussion in WRC-15. In this special session, latest research results both in Europe and Asia are introduced by referring several national projects in Horizon 2020, FP7, and MIC. It is a good chance to know and discuss about cutting edge technologies in millimeter-wave spectrum for contribute to 5G.
Chair: Prof. Kei Sakaguchi, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
- Prof. Makoto Ando, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
- Dr. Thomas Haustein, Fraunhofer HHI, Germany
- Mr. Shozo Okasaka, Panasonic, Japan
- Prof. Shuhei Amakawa, Hiroshima University, Japan