Paper Submission for Special Session Authors
- NOTE: In SmartCom 2016, there are two types of paper as the following:
[Type-II] (in Japanese "二種研") Paper submitted to Technical Committee on RCS/RCC/MICT or from Non-Japanese organization corresponds to Type-II. [Type-I] (in Japanese "一種研") Paper submitted to Technical Committee on SRW/SR corresponds to Type-I. SRW:
MICT:Short Range Wireless Communications
Smart Radio
Radio Communication Systems
Reliable Communication and Control
Healthcare and Medical Information Communication TechnologyYour [Type] will be written in e-mail sent by your organizer, please check the e-mail.
Paper submission process consists of two steps:
[STEP-1] Registration of paper submission (Initial Submission)
- Closed!
- [STEP-2] Camera-ready paper submission
- [Type-II] Deadline: April 18, 2016
[Type-I] Deadline: April 18, 2016
The author will submitt your paper via web-site.
Your personal URL is transmitted from IEICE or committee by e-mail.
Please check your e-mail box.- Full paper (within 8 pages) or abstract plus slides (total 8 pages).
- If you are Type-II, we recommend to use IEEE format, IEICE format, and so on.
- If you are Type-I, we recommend to use IEICE format.
- If you choose
abstract plus slides, the front page of IEICE format is used for
abstract page or please make your original format for abstract page
including your paper title, the authors name, affiliations, contact
information of all authors, abstract, and keywords.
The page size of the abstract page and poster in proceeding should be A4.
2 to 8 up per one page is recommended. - For both styles, Prefix should be added to your paper title.
[Requested Talk] - Manuscripts should be written in English.
An example for Abstract page
Paper size is A4.
+ Blank spaces are set by reference to figure below.
+ The following figure shows the contents included in abstract page.
Example: if a title is "Cognitive Radio Technologies Buring Future".
Because you are author of special session, please put [Requested Talk] on Prefix as shown in the below.
+ Please refer to the character sizes shown in the figure below.
+ Finally, please put slides (A4 size, 2up to 8up per 1-page) on the second page onward, and total number of pages is within 8 pages in proceeding.
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